
Freshman Mixer – Early Dismissal 10-12th

There will be a Freshman Mixer on Friday, the 23rd.  Freshman will be bused home after the mixer at 2:35pm Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION HOME. […]

Victory Day

Unity Christian is honored to again host a fun day for people of all ages with special needs or physical limitations to play football to or to be a cheerleader […]

Open House

The open house on Sept. 9 will begin with an introduction to the Infusion Project. This initiative, created by UC, is an exciting opportunity, allowing us to better serve parents, […]

Senior Kickoff

Seniors will participate in Senior Kickoff happening at Grace Adventures. 

UC Tailgater

The UC Tailgater event will be held Friday, September 20 (5:00 - 6:30 pm), when Unity plays Holland at the Hudsonville Stadium. This year’s event will be a pig roast and […]


Click here to register Saderfest Sponsors! 'Saderfest will be held on Friday, Sept. 27th after school. This event will incorporate high school students and community members in raising money for […]